Fall Departure Information

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All students must notify Housing Services of when they plan to depart campus for Fall 2020 Closing. This information is used to keep an accurate up-to-date roster of on-campus students and can be changed at any time prior to your departure. Your initial response should be entered by Friday, Nov. 13, 2020 at noon.


Enter your departure date in your Housing and Dining Self-Service located under Personal Information: My Info: Fall 2020 on the left side of the page. Click on the image below to view the process of filling out your fall departure information.


If you are planning to return to on-campus housing for the Spring 2021 semester, you may leave your belongings in your room and retain your room key.


As a reminder, no guests are permitted in our residential buildings. This includes parents or anyone else who comes to campus to pick you up at semester break.


Please make sure to take your room key and ID with you when you leave campus for the break so you can access your room when you return for Spring 2021.


We advise taking home items needed for a prolonged absence in case an unexpected change due to the spread of the virus or other external factors delays our return to campus for Spring 2021. You will not be able to return to get belongings from your residence hall, and staff will not be available to retrieve and ship items to you.


Follow all closing procedures

Unplug all electrical outlets.

Unplug refrigerator/microfridge in personal bedrooms, remove perishable food, leave refrigerator door open.

In Farrington Square, Sayre Park, and traditional residence hall rooms equipped with a kitchenette: Remove perishable food but DO NOT unplug refrigerator or leave door open.

Remove or secure valuable items.

Empty trash containers.

Close and lock all windows, pull shades/blinds half way down.

Turn lights off.

Lock the door.


Rooms will be checked by Lehigh University staff to verify that closing procedures have been followed.


Lease violations which are visible during closing will be addressed.


If you are not returning or are unsure if you will be returning, we ask that you remove all belongings from the room and return your key to the drop box outside of the IDEAL Office, or in the lobby of the University Police Department. If you are in need of shipping or storage services, you can contact one of the three Lehigh-approved companies that have provided these services to our students in the past.

O’Brien’s Moving and Storage  

College Truckers

Dorm Room Movers


Please email inhouse@lehigh.edu with any questions.