Saucon Village Bus Services

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For residents living in Saucon Village bus services is provided seven days a week to Mountaintop or ASA Packer Campus on either an academic year Monday- Friday Schedule, Limited/Summer Schedule or Weekend Schedule. The bus stop in Saucon Village is located outside building #8 and provides a shelter in the event of any bad weather.

Residents are able to access the current bus schedule through a variety of different ways:

  1. Real Time Bus Tracking- available on the LehighU app or at
  2. Online at the Transportation website:
  3. During times of inclement weather, all residents are encouraged to call the transportation hotline at 610 758 1700 for any service delays or cancellations. If the university cancels classes the bus service will not run. Bus service will operate as conditions allow any time classes are in session and once service is started in the morning it will run through the evening. Delays and/or service interruptions are possible in the interest of passenger safety.  If severe weather cancels service, alerts with go out on the alert system, email, Facebook and Twitter. 

Residents should be aware that anytime the University is closed for a holiday, bus service will not run. These include holidays such as Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Friday following, Christmas Day and day before or after, New Year’s Day, and Memorial Day.

For additional questions, residents should contact Transportation Services at 610-758-4410 or online at