For complete Information on the Lottery Housing Process please refer to the information on THIS PAGE.
It's the Lottery, What's a Lottery? check out this overview and see how the process works!
Step 1: Lottery Registration/Contract
Step 3: View your Housing Selection Time
Step 4: Search for Available Housing
Step 5: Selecting your Housing
Step 1: Lottery Registration/Contract
Housing and Dining Self Service; Applications; Housing Contract (Fall 2023)
- Students must register/contract to receive a selection time.
- Housing Contracts will be open from 9:00 AM, Monday, April 3, 2023, until 4 PM Friday, April 7, 2023.
For more information on the Housing and Meal Plan Contract, read the Terms of Lease and the Contract Obligation.
If you have a group of friends you'd like to live with, you'll have to connect in this step to ensure you can pick a space together. Roommates in apartment/suite style housing can be any gender. Students must have a completed Housing and Meal Plan Contract on file in order to be searchable as a roommate. If you want to choose as an individual, that's an option as well. If you are selecting as an individual, you will skip this step.
Initial Roommate Matching Availability: Monday, April 3, 2023-Thursday, April 13, 2023 | |
Last Chance Roommate Matching Availability for Lottery Process for Jr/Sr undergraduate students (open 10 PM-12 noon) | |
How to match with your roommate(s);
Housing and Dining Self Service; My Room Selection; Select Roommates; For the Term: Fall 2023
Change the Term to Fall 2023.
Select Search for Roommate and use any of the listed fields to find your desired roommate.
Once you have found your roommate(s), please be sure to connect with them through the system. They must also log in and connect with you as well. In order to select housing together, you must have a fully matched group.
To confirm roommate requests:
Step 3: View your Housing Selection Time
Housing and Dining Self Service; Housing Selection Times will be posted on the main page in the section labeled Room Selection. Your will receive an email when selection times are available on the dates below based on your Group size.
Housing selection times are randomly assigned to each group through a computer program. Selection times are non transferable. You may not sell or give your time to any other group.
Schedule for viewing Housing Selection Times
Group Size | Selection Numbers Posted |
Groups of 1 | Friday, April 21, 2023-POSTED |
Step 4: Search for Available Housing POSTED
The configuration is set up based on group sizes so that a variety of traditional, suite, and apartment style housing is available to all size groups proportionate to the group size vs. total number of people in the process.
Schedule for viewing available housing spaces
Group Size | Available Housing spaces posted |
Groups of 1 |
Friday, April 21, 2023 |
First, use the link above to view the configuration for your process. On the configuration page, you will see:
Below the list of halls/# of Suites/Apartments chart you will see:
View the buildings and available spaces and make a list of your selection preferences.
Second, log-in to Housing and Dining Self Service; Room Selection; View Available Spaces to get a feel for how the spaces are presented in our housing system
We highly recommend doing preparation work using our configuration pages. The more preparation you do for this process, the easier housing selection will be.
Step 5: Selecting your Housing
Schedule for housing selection
Group Size | Selection Night |
Groups of 1 | Saturday, April 22, 2023 beginning at 9 AM |
Check your Lehigh email several times on the day of your housing selection and throughout the selection process. Not only will you receive information on Step 5, you will receive an email with helpful tips and important information for the night of selection. Additionally if anything goes awry on the night of selection, all updates will be sent out through email.
To Select Housing, log-in to Housing and Dining Self Service. On the main page under the Room Selection, click Select a Room/Suite.
Select from Room List, Search available rooms

The system will automatically place the student making the selection into the bedroom chosen (in Bed A). The other roommates will be placed in alphabetical order by last name into the other bedrooms in the suite. You can change the beds/bedrooms around for your group before finalizing your selection. Please be sure to complete this step with accuracy. Once you Submit the room selection you will not be able to make changes and this is a time consuming process for our staff to have to complete. Thank you!!!
Once you click Submit Room Selection, you will receive a pop-up confirmation page.
Each member of your group should also receive an automated email shortly after the process.
If you do not see an email or simply want to check your assignment without waiting for the email, you can view a full confirmation of your housing selection on your Self Service home page under Assignments, Fall 2023.
Help Line: The phone number will be emailed the day of the process in the Help Text of the selection process in Housing and Dining Self Service.
If you/your group is not able to select during the housing process, please contact the Help Line for further instructions. Please do not email. Please do not call the help line to ask if a space is still available, how many people need to select ahead of you, can you change your housing selection, etc. The Help Line is to help those who otherwise could not select housing during the process. It is not designed to be able to answer non technical questions. Your cooperation is appreciated.
If you are having technical issues during the process, you may call the help line (see number in email about help line) between 4-9 pm. After 9 pm, please email If we are not able to return your email prior to when the process closes, we will be in contact with you on the next business day. We will be able to work with your group to resolve your housing issue prior to the next housing selection process.
If you have questions about the process ask them prior to housing selection. Please email all questions to
If you do not get to select housing:
All students who do not, or are unable to select a space during the selection process, will be contacted in regards to remaining on a Housing Placement List.
Students who decline the option to remain on the Housing Placement List will have their Housing Contract voided.
Students who remain on the Housing Placement List will be placed in lottery number order to receive an assignment. Unless it is determined that space does not exist, all students on the Housing Placement List will be held to their contract.
Check your Lehigh email daily for housing selection updates. It is your responsibility to meet all deadlines.
Please email all questions to and someone will respond.