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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I list my house or apartment for rent or sale with Lehigh Real Estate Services?

Real Estate Services does not list or advertise non-University owned properties for rent or sale.

Does Lehigh have any property for sale?

Lehigh does sell property that may be outside of the scope of the University's master plan and institutional needs as well as the occasional real estate gift. Property is usually listed for sale on this website. Dispositions of University Properties are handled by Cathy Albertson or Elijah Miller (cma316@lehigh.edu 610-758-3261 or ejm423@lehigh.edu 570-690-4352).

Can I hunt on University property?

Hunting is not allowed on University-owned property.

How much land does Lehigh own?

Asa Packer Campus: 360 acres

Goodman Campus: 500 acres

Mountaintop Campus: 740 acres

Stabler Land: 507 acres

Total Acreage: 2,107 acres

Who do I contact to rent a Lehigh-owned apartment or home?

Please contact Cathy Albertson, Real Estate Services, at cma316@lehigh.edu or 610-758-3261.

How do I lease commercial space or land from the University?

Please contact Elijah Miller , Real Estate Services, at egm423@lehigh.edu

or 570-690-4352.

How can I find out about new properties for rent or sale?

Please follow us on Instagram and check our website.  If you are interested in commercial properties, please send a note to egm423@lehigh.edu to be added to our newsletter distribution list.