Payment Methods

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Payment Information


Online Check Payment Yes (Preferred)
Check Payments  Yes 
Money Order Yes 

Wire Transfer  

Domestic and International wires via Convera

International wires via Flywire




Credit Card Payment Yes
Cash Yes


Online Check Payment

This is the preferred method of payment. Online check payments are completed using the e-Bill suite at by either the student or authorized user. There are no fees for this service. 

When making a ACH payment in the eBill Suite, please note that the bank routing number and account number will be validated if your bank participates in ACH validation.  You can use any personal checking or savings account.  Do not enter other accounts, such as corporate account numbers, 529 accounts, credit cards, home equity, or traveler's checks.  Do not enter debit card numbers. Instead, enter the complete routing number and bank account number as found on a personal check.

If you are making your payment using a new bank account,  validation may fail due to a delay in updates to the Validation Services.  Please attempt your payment validation again in 7-10 business days.  Or contact the Bursar's office and provide us with a voided check so that we can have your account whitelisted.

There is a $35 fee for any eCheck returned by the bank for reasons including but not limited to non-sufficient funds or account closed.  Please note that returned payments associated with a Payment Plan may have additional implications as explained in our Payment Plan FAQs.

Lehigh University reserves the right to prohibit the use of personal checks in the event that there has been history of insufficient funds as a result of personal check use.  

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Check Payments

We will accept checks (including personal checks, checks from your 529 or investment accounts, cashiers checks, etc)  as a form of payment for all charges that appear on an account.  Checks should be made payable to LEHIGH UNIVERSITY, and must reference the student's Lehigh Identification Number (LIN). Checks must be drawn from a U.S. bank or a bank with a U.S. subsidiary. The student is responsible for payment of any bank processing fees due to foreign currency or checks without an American Bank Assoc. routing number. Post dated checks are not accepted. Checks should be sent to: Office of the Bursar, Lehigh University, 27 Memorial Dr W, Bethlehem PA 18015-3093. Check payments should be mailed no later than two weeks prior to the bill due date to avoid a late payment fee.

529 payments or investment account payments should be requested no later than two weeks prior to the bill due date to avoid a late payment fee. This will allow for adequate time for us to receive and process the payment by the semester due date. Please include the student LIN and refer to the mailing address above. Some 529's participate in digital delivery, please contact your 529's customer service team to see if your plan participates.

There is a $35 fee for any check returned by the bank for reasons including but not limited to non-sufficient funds or account closed.

Lehigh University reserves the right to prohibit the use of personal checks in the event that there has been history of insufficient funds as a result of personal check use.  

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Money Order

We will accept a money order as a form of payment for all charges that appear on an account. Please reference the student's LIN on the money order. Money orders should be remitted to: Office of the Bursar, Lehigh University, 27 Memorial Dr W, Bethlehem PA 18015-3093

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Wire Transfer

Lehigh accepts a wire transfer as a form of payment for all charges that appear on an account.  Two wire options are provided for making payment for student accounts.  Effective May 2023, wire payments will not be accepted from other sources. 

Lehigh does not charge any fees for payments received via wire.  However, banks may charge a fee to initiate a wire.  Pay your bank separately for any fees they may charge.

Wire transfers should be requested no later then 2 weeks prior to the bill due date to avoid late payment fees. This will allow for adequate time for us to receive and process the payment by the semester due date. Please include the student LIN.

Choose one of the following providers to make your wire payment.

  • Lehigh has partnered with Convera Global Pay for processing of Wire Transfers directly in the eBill Suite. This payment method can be used for both domestic and international payments.   Please see Convera Wire Transfer for more information about this service.  
  • Lehigh University has partnered with Flywire to offer our international students the ability to make international wire payments. Flywire allows you to pay securely from almost any country and any bank, generally in your home currency.  Please see Flywire Wire Transfer for more information about this service.  

Regardless of which wire partner you choose, you will start the process by receiving a quote from the service provider.  Payment instructions will then be provided with details for initiating the wire transfer from your bank.

Wires received from any other source will be returned to the originating bank and the student will be charged a return wire fee.


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Credit Card Payment

Online credit cards payments are accepted for payment of tuition and fees for all student accounts, and are processed through PayPath, a tuition payment service. A non-refundable service fee will be added to your payment by the service provider.

This service allows you to make real-time Credit or Debit card payments. PayPath accepts most major Credit/Debit cards for your convenience. PayPath will charge a non-refundable service charge which will be added to your credit card payment. For domestic transactions, the rate of 2.95%, for international transactions, the rate is 4.25% with a minimum of $3.00. Lehigh University does not receive any portion of this service charge.

Online credit card payments are to be completed using the e-Bill suite at, and selecting the payment method of Credit Card via PayPath.  Please note that when you select "Continue to PayPath," a separate window will launch for processing your credit card transaction.  

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Cash Payments

Cash payments can be accepted in our office located in the Alumni Memorial Building at 27 Memorial Dr W, Bethlehem PA 18015, lower level, Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:15am-4pm. For any cash payments of $2,000 or more will be required to fill out an IRS form. 

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